Sunday, April 12, 2009

Road Bloggin'

On my trip to Utah a month or so ago I took some videos of my drive because I couldn't post on my blog while I was driving. Here is the first installment, if you guys like it there might be more on the way. By the way, I am really buckling down for school so don't hold your breaths on blog posts, if I get incentive through the mail though, that might help.


Brooke said...

i laughed out loud. out loud!

lance said...

wow, i'm sad we didn't video blog on our road trip, well, maybe not, it would've just been a bunch of rude violent arguing...good times!

Unknown said...
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Brooke said...

don't listen to lance, he instigated most of it. by the way, i fixed the picture on my blogger so i truly do like my job.

Ann-Marie said...

this post made me happy!

Conni said...

You crack me up! Can you imagine looking over at the person you're driving next to and seeing them filming themselves? That would be SO...umm...normal. ;) hehe
Love the song btw

Nama said...

I cannot tell you how much this amused, the genius of Hacksaw...