This would be the sequel to the other video, and for all of you out there that think that sequels are not better than originals you must not have seen Rocky II, he actually wins! With no further adieu, the video.
Remember! Take Chances! Make Mistakes! -Miss Frizzle, The Magic Schoolbus
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
You got family times then you get family crimes.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Road Bloggin'
On my trip to Utah a month or so ago I took some videos of my drive because I couldn't post on my blog while I was driving. Here is the first installment, if you guys like it there might be more on the way. By the way, I am really buckling down for school so don't hold your breaths on blog posts, if I get incentive through the mail though, that might help.
Friends for Thought

Well it has been a while so I am going to try and pull a Marian and post everything that I have been meaning to post for some time now. I am telling you this even though by the time you read it you will have read the posts before it but at least you will understand at some point. Anywho, if I am too busy to blog, you better believe that I have been busy. School has gotten a lot harder this semester and the next four weeks are going to be the worst by for as I finish class and do my finals, so pray for me. Just to put your minds at ease though, I am really enjoying it and finding things that I never thought I would like are enjoyable, even though it is hard, it is good too.
OK, the reason for this post was the fact that I was a bad friend recently, and I just wanted to make a point about that. I had made plans to visit with someone when I was on a trip to Utah recently, and because of things and schedule conflicts, I ended up not making enough time and kinda ditching them. The point is that they were expecting me and I never showed. I think that we can fall into traps and think that maybe people don't really care that much about seeing us, or that our presence is not that big of a deal, but the really important thing is that when we are friends with someone, and we make a promise, or agree to do something, we are putting that friendship on the line, or our relationship with our family members or whatever. When we don't do what we agreed we are in a way saying that it was not important to us. I think that a lot of times that is not the case, but we don't make it a priority and things come up, but it amounts to the same thing. So when I did not show up I hurt someone's feelings even though that was not what I intended at all. So I hope that we can all try a little harder to treat those around us better and be better friends and family members. One other thing on that note, when this was brought to my attention, I realized that I was mad at someone at the same time for doing the same thing to me. So it just goes to show, I am not a very good friend, and I am a hypocrite.
One more point. After I had done this rude thing that I am very sorry for now by the way. I told that friend that I was sorry and it came out that they were a little ticked at what I had done. The reason that I am sharing this is that I think it is great that they were willing to tell me how they felt. I think we need to be more open and honest in that way. Not only did I get a blog post out of it, but it showed me that I had done something wrong and it made it so I could talk it over with them and it did not hurt our friendship, I hope. So we need to be better friends and if one of our friends bugs us, let them know, it will either strengthen the friendship or let you know that that person is not someone you want to be friends with in the first place.
Happy Easter everyone, and speaking of friends, I am glad for days like today where we can remember our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hope everyone has a great week.
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