Sunday, July 19, 2009

Never Again Land Ranch

This is it, the big post that I'm sure you have all been crazy to read. After this when people mention Michael Jackson you will be able to say that you have a friend/relative that went to Never Land Ranch after Michael Jackson died. I feel like one of those people that they have on the news describing what the tornado sounded like. All that tom-foolery aside though, it was really quite an experience. Now to the actual events.

Lance and I had been visiting our sister Kim, her husband Byron, and their little boy Harrison in L.A. After a week full of fun, sun, and some Zing Zang Zoom! (circus joke, you gotta go see it if you want to get the joke, sorry) Lance and I packed up the old Olds and hit the trail. to be honest with everyone, this trip was a little bit of a joke from the start. We were driving from L.A. to S.F. and it was more or less on the way, so we though we would take a two hour detour or so and have a great story to tell when everyone started bragging about what big M.J. fans they were. However, it turned into more than a joke and I am glad that we went.

[Side Note: Just for the record I was a huge M.J. fan, I owned some of his vinyl and I was only born in '82, even better (or worse depending on your point of view) at a dance party during the height of his trial, after one of his tunes had finished playing and the music was fading there was a small window of relative quiet and I yelled into the lull "HE'S INNOCENT, HE'S INNOCENT". Now, I no longer remember the date of that party, what song they played, or even what I was wearing that night, but I remember one thing. I was laughed to scorn. Acquitted on all charges haters. The best part is, now when I talk about how great he was I know that I stood by him through thick and thin. The rest of you have to die a little inside as your secret shame about how you quit on the King of Pop eats its way like acid through your consciences. Maybe it isn't that bad, I do tend to be a little dramatic. Also, this is only a small example of why I was such a big fan. End of side note.]

The first pictures are from before the trip. We were sad, but we tried to remember Michael for how he was.

We were trying to look like the picture below, nailed it!

Lance and I stopped to eat at Michael's favorite fast food joint. Of course, I'm assuming McDonald's was his favorite, he was American wasn't he?

When we actually got to Never Land Ranch, there was no more fun and games. Lance and I did take one silly picture, but then we felt too bad to take any more. It was actually pretty sad and really brought the reality of it home. There was a guy there crying and after I took a photo for a lady she told me that it felt weird to smile. While these people might be a little weird, they were experiencing real grief. There was not that many people there when Lance and I got there, but there had been. There were parking barriers miles down the road, and posters and flowers all over the place. The one thing that really hit me was that whatever else anyone reads into it, or says that we should not make a big deal, the reality is that a man died. There are family and friends who miss him and people who's lives he affected in large and small ways. I mourn for Michael like we should mourn for all of those that pass through our lives and are never seen again. He left his fingerprints on my life, and yes, they were sequined. I am glad that I made that trip, and although it was not a seminal moment in my life it was a good opportunity for reflection. The pictures below are at the Ranch, except for the last one, that was Lance's and my final goodbye to the man with the magical hips.

You moonwalked your way into our hearts, now moonwalk your way to heaven, Michael.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Va-ca in L.A.!!!!!!

Lance and I had a great time in L.A., and the Williams really showed us a good time. I'm talking beach, food, and even a trip to the circus. Let me just say a word or two about the circus to all of you haters out there. It is not just for kids, we really had a great time. They shot two ladies out of canons, it was pretty sweet. I bet it is coming some place near you this summer and especially if you have kids you better check it out. I know for a fact that it will be in San Fran this August. It only cost us about $13 apiece, and the wonder reflected in your eyes is worth that. I have to apologize for the pictures, I did not really get out my camera until right before we left, and Byron was at work but he was an integral part of the fun while we were there. The only real commentary on the pictures is that Harrison definitely has the Harrison blue eyes. Next post will be about Lance's and my pilgrimage(?) to Never Land Ranch to pay our final respects to the King of Pop.