Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Adventures are Over, Except for the Adventures in Law that is.

So this was a pretty good summer, and I think that it is shaping up to be a pretty good year. Yes, I am back in school for my 2L year, and while it is a little scary still and I know that it will be hard, I am actually excited for the year. But before I go discussing the fall, let's wrap up the summer. Actually, I just had the idea that I am going to try to explain what I did this summer in rhyme, or at least see how far I can go this time (it's already started, yay!).

(Unrhyming side note on the glasses below. Not only are they totally awesome looking, but I got them for cheap at Savers. The real kicker, though, is that they are my prescription. I believe the correct term for what I lead is, "A Charmed Life". Yes, I do believe it is.)

I took a trip up the coast,
In my car with the most,
You might call me a liar
But I got stranded in Ukiah.

My car broke down,
but I did not frown,
I just rode my bike around town,
(and payed $400 down)

Now it's fixed and runnin' fine,
and I drove through some pine (trees)
continued up the coast,
till I arrived at a host (of friends and family).

Portland was the first stop,
Saw sisters, nieces, nephews, and at least one cop.
Then to the ocean,
The Williams' had rented a cabin, I ain't jokin'.

It was quite a blast,
we drove the boat fast,
and emptied the bay
of every single crab that day.

We spent time on the beach,
We spent time in the sun,
There wasn't a lot of heat,
But we sure had fun!

To Portland I will surely come back
for family pictures at which I will laugh.
But time is short, and I must fly.
Besides, SF has more than enough fog for this guy!

Finally to Utah I quickly came,
to try and recapture my Disco Skating fame,
Alas, Renee had taken the crown and beaten me out,
But I manged to capture a pregnant Tracy pout.

Now I am back and the books call my name,
Remedies, Wills, Crim Pro it's all the same.
but as fun as the summer was I felt adrift,
back at home at Hastings is where I fit.

However, when the weather turns cold, and the snowflakes fly,
Back to Utah for Christmas and 'boarding will surely go I.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I had a couple of good trips here. I went to L.A. to see my little bro bro Trent, while he was at Kim and Byron's. I tell ya, those Williams really know how to party.

Here is Trent and I, sneaking so as not to wake the sleeping baby while we ate 3a.m. cereal. Mmm, mmm, good.

Kim made the Cafe Rio pork salad recipe Lisa posted on Taste for Taste. The pork and the dressing were right on, I mean right on. It was really good. That is not Byron in the background, that is their friend Brian, who came to eat dinner because his wife was out of town.

Yea for Prunes!

Byron had the awesome idea to go down to Huntington Beach to see the U.S. Open of Surfing, it was sweet. We got to see Kelly Slater surf a sweet curl, perfect 10 baby, history in the making.

Start 'em young, that's what I say. Just kidding, this was not open, he just likes to put his mouth on cold stuff. He will learn to appreciate it for its sublime taste later on.

While I was with the family after Dal's wedding, Renee taught me how to skid out on her fixed gear. I crashed it the first time, but these are badges of honor. Don't get too sad, I got right back on and skidded it a couple more times, but I was feeling it the next day I tell you.