I got to go to the beach twice this week, and that ain't bad. The first beach that we went to was Stinson Beach, up by Marin. It was a little windy, but we had a good time. Since everyone else seemed to be content to lay in the sun, I decided to have a little fun. I went to the beach with my cousins once, and they dug a big hole and the little kids just loved it. Since my good friend Gilda brought along the little girl that she nannies, Maybelle, I decided to do some diggin'.
I like to think that in this picture I'm telling her: "I know you are working hard, but can you see how much sand I have over here? I am doing a lot more work then you, so please try to pick it up." Harsh I know, but that is the only way they will ever learn.

What do you do with a hole? You sit in it.

Just kidding, we dug it a little deeper. As you can probably imagine, while we were digging I was peppering the conversation with little gems like "I bet we are half-way to China by now," and "now if someone is looking for us we can just hide right in the hole." That must be what we are doing here. For some reason kids seem to really like me, who knew?

This was a pretty fun little trip. Afterward Gilda told me that Maybelle was telling her mom about the beach and kept referring to me as "my friend Matt." It is good to have friends.
I also wanted to include this little gem from my most recent trip to Los Angeles in May. I went to the Getty with Kim and Lance (and young Harrison, no not Lance). You know what they say, you can either look at art, or you can get up there and try to freeze your body in the exact position that the statue is in. I got laughed at, sure, but performance art is legitimate, to legitimate to quit-imate. I title this: "Take the picture! and please try to get it right, my core is killing me."

Photo: Kim Williams