I just needed to do a little update. I saw M.C. Hammer live at the park. He still has it. It was free and very cool, the pure awesomeness was not lessened by the fact that it was really a concert for elementary kids. I also saw a late model green Cadillac nearby and I am sure that it is Hammer's. My friend from Oakland also told me that back when Hammer was huge he used to drive around Oakland blasting his own songs in his car. If I ever cut a record I am totally doing that.
More stuff I did. I went to Reno. I talked about this in the family letter, and I think those letters are the reason that I do not post as much, I feel like I tell the family everything that they need to know when I write those. I can still post pictures and stuff that I forget, so that is not a very good excuse.
Reno was very cool though. My roommate Mark was showing me that it is a cool place to live, and I think he is right. It was not too bad. The high altitude also makes it not as hot in the summer. Might be a good option in the future, only four hours from S.F. and eight from SLC. It is not very high on my options list though, don't worry. Las Vegas, Portland and SLC are all higher. So is D.C. This might be a good time to reiterate my deal with the siblings/friends. Find me a job (in the legal field, babysitting is not really an option at this point unless it is a really good offer), and I will move by you, and maybe name a child after you. Emphasis on the maybe.
Back to Reno, it was a cool trip and we got to swing by Lake Tahoe on the way home, which is just beautiful in the summer.
This picture also bring up another relevant point. It is beard season again. Each year my beard comes in a little stronger. Migrating from the back of my head I am assuming, but I have no proof. Except photographic proof. Here is a little slice of beard season, about four weeks in.
I have really been studying a lot during the week but I try to take some time off on the weekends at night at least. I finish my big brief this week, so that will free up some time that I can then use to focus on things that I have been neglecting all semester, yay! That is all for now, I need to go to bed so I can get up early tomorrow, but I will leave you with a picture from the General Conference Breakfast Party I threw on Saturday a week ago. The angry one is my roommate, Peter, I think he is joking.