Tomorrow is my second test, and it is a doozy. Criminal Procedure, all of the stuff that talks about rights in the criminal justice system. You can all laugh and say that criminals shouldn't have any rights, but these rights are what sets this great country apart from police states that treat their citizens like second-classers (and in some cases like third or fourth or coach-classers). Everyone in America is a first class citizen, although the Hollywood crowd would have you believe that they are first class(+) citizens. Anywho, looks like I am letting the finals bitterness come through so on to the real reason for this post.
I thought as a little study break I would let everyone know that I am not letting Harrison traditions lapse - even though I am far from the family. This year I focused on the old tradition of opening a window in the advent calendar every day (or at least every day that I remember). From Trader Joe's no less! I am sure that you are all suitably jealous that I do not have to share, although the chocolate is not as sweet as when you had to watch you sibs eat theirs right in front of you while you can hardly wait for your turn to finally come around.

It is also pretty cold here, so as you can see I am getting ready for a Utah winter.

Anywho, I am looking forward to more Christmas traditions soon. One more week and three finals, that is what I call a party!
The real party starts when you get to Portyland. Don't forget to pack your dancin' pants...Friday night it's RockBox at Holocene.
Man, my advent calendar does not include chocolate! Plus here at the Adamson Farmhouse, they are sadly lacking in chocolate right now!
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