Friday, December 11, 2009

Robert Pine, SUPERSTAR!

You may remember this mug. This guy's name is Robert Pine, he recently played Jim's Dad on the Office when Pam and Jim got married. During that episode someone pointed out to me that this was the guy that plays the Dad on the Mormon movie, On the Way Home. Where the family loses a daughter, and then the college daughter introduces everyone to the church and they all get baptized together. It is a classic. Turns out that this guy is the father of Chris Pine, who recently played Captain Kirk in the new Star Trek movie. I just thought this was a funny piece of trivia. I hope we can all remember that Robert Pine's character in On the Way Home decided to give to charity in that movie. I hope we can all get in the spirit of giving this holiday season. That is all.

1 comment:

The Chad said...

I like how you brought it full circle, Hacksaw.