Well, I made it to San Francisco. Technically I'm not quite living there yet, (I'm in Walnut Creek staying with my aunt and Uncle until I get some housing lined up) but I did go into the city today so I have gone all the way there.
So far so good, the ward seems cool and I've already looked at one apartment and lined up another one to check out this week. The good news is that both are under a $1000 a month, one at $750 and the other at $850 or so. The bad news is that they are still $750 and $850. Seriously though they look pretty good, they both have members as roommates and at least one of them has plenty of parking. I'll check it all out and let ya'll know what happens.
Regarding the Oldsmobile which Grandmother Jenkins so graciously supplied me with on this law school-themed adventure, it is running fine. I even got an hour or so of air conditioned comfort out of it. It rides like a magic carpet and still has street cred, sort of.
The real reason I wanted to post something was because I was thinking of my prior post and I wanted to set straight exactly how much help I have been given. I got to thinking about it on my trip and realized I have really been blessed. Not just the immediate blessings of the car from Grandma and Denny and Jill letting me stay with them in Walnut Creek as well as the myriad other blessings which have directly made this move possible. I have also had constant support and help from my family and friends. This summer I really realized how wonderful my family is. Traveling to see Karl and Conni's family as well as the family reunion in Oregon made me realize several things. First, how genuinely excited we are to see one another, this is not normal. We actually like spending time together, which is great. Second, how quick we are to offer help and advice, or just wish someone good luck or ask them how things are going. I hope I have shown the same amount of love to my family that I have felt from them over the last few years.
Text messages, phone calls, and personal advice are not forgotten. I hope I have the opportunity to pay you all back over the next few years.
Anywho, thanks to all that have helped me on my way, not the least of all you, Mom and Dad. You have always been there to offer help and support and a spot to crash land if it was ever necessary. I got a lot of my tools for living alone while I was living at home.
One more thing before I go, now that I have made the move and the reality of the situation has started to settle in I think that I am still excited but also realizing more the work that will have to be done, but I am still looking at it as the next great adventure. I just hope the pirates get it right and spell "Home Run Matt", instead of "Run Home Matt". If you know what I mean.
1 comment:
matt, you're awesome. i can't wait to come visit you. and believe me it will be sooner rather that later. (me and lance haven't worked out all the details but it is coming along.)
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