So this is the year I passed the halfway mark in my twenties, I can't believe it either, people keep treating me like I'm a punk-faced high school kid, can't they understand that I'm not in high school anymore? No comment on the punk-face part of course. Anywho, back to the birthday. This was a good birthday all said. Everything arrived on time, and Uncle Denny, Aunt Jill, Kaley and Landon all pitched in to make me feel like a real birthday boy and not a deeply entrenched "menace to society".
Before I recount the events of the day, maybe I'll share some birthday memories with you. My first vivid birthday I must have been between five and seven, I was wearing my favorite outfit, a blue and white button-up shirt and shorts ensemble. I got up and got dressed and I remember feeling so good cause it was my birthday. I wandered out to the kitchen and shoved some smaller kid out of my way so I could look in the fridge (I can't recall the person, must have been Lance or Kendra or Renee though). I was immediately reprimanded, harshly as I recall. My birthday present that year was the realization that I cannot do whatever I want just because it's my birthday. Sure enough, when I shoved a small child out of my path on the way to school this birthday I was yelled at again, some things never change. Most of my birthday's have been happy affairs, but there are a few that stick out.
My first birthday on my mission my package didn't arrive, so I celebrated by working for ten hours, I think we also ate Chinese food for lunch. I was brand new in the area so the members didn't even know my name, no party that year. The next year was better though. We went to a member's house for dinner, and when we arrived the whole district jumped out and threw toilet paper at me. They had gotten permission from the Zone Leader to throw me a little party. The members (the Rosses), had prepared a whole batman themed party for me complete with a batman cake, and my district had had a competition to see who could get the coolest present for only a dollar. So I have some good Puerto Rican birthday memories as well. That's enough remenicing, on to the show!!! B-day 2008.
Kaley and Aunt Jill made me a birthday breakfast of french toast to start the day off right.
After breakfast I had to go to Law School, I was still the new kid so Ionly told one person it was my birthday, she said, "Happy Birthday". That's pretty much the only birthday news from school that day.
When I got home thought the Blodgies threw me a little birthday bash.
Here's me with my eyes closed waiting for the suprise. Aunt Jill had hidden the presents that came in the mail so I didn't know that I had gotten anything.
Needless to say, I was pretty surprised.
I guess we're not the only family that does this, this is all my loot. Thanks Mom and Dad for the glasses, and I'm gonna buy a new watch I think cause I broke my other one. Nicky sent me this awesome map of San Fran that I have already used quite a bit and a cookbook that teaches you how to cook, well, everything. It's called, How to Cook Everything. Aunt Jill and Uncle Denny got me some of my favorte soda, as well as some spicy mustard, and Kaley got me some candy. I ate the gummi bears in like ten minutes. 
Someone also let slip that my favorite cake is German Chocolate, so my streak of always having it on my birthday is alive for one more year, thanks again Aunt Jill.
One more picture with the presents, only this time it's sassy.
As promised I also have haricut and beard pitures as well.
This was my first opportunity to try out the Flowbee. In the words of Wayne and Garth, "it sucks as it cuts". "It certainly does suck". Great job Aunt Jill. I'd been cutting my own hair with scissors, but Aunt Jill was cutting Landon's so I thought I would give it a try.
Viola! A little more conservative Hacksaw, we cut off like two inches in the front. As you can see, beard season is also in full swing. This is about two weeks worth, with still a month and a half to go, so it will fill in a little a think. If it doesn't, there is always Just For Men (not for boys) to darken it up a little. That is all the news for now, the birthday was good and things are going well at school, just getting busier. No news on the apartment hunt either.
When I got home thought the Blodgies threw me a little birthday bash.
Someone also let slip that my favorite cake is German Chocolate, so my streak of always having it on my birthday is alive for one more year, thanks again Aunt Jill.
As promised I also have haricut and beard pitures as well.
actually, the beard isn't that bad. I'm glad you had a fun birthday. I'm in law school, too, so I'm afraid you only got a text from me. You understand.
matt. i love the pictures..i can't wait to see you! . . . whenever that is.
Hey Happy Birthday Hacksaw
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