Here are a couple from the first trip, John went with us and his parents let us stay in their house for part of our trip, this picture of K and B is actually from last Christmas, guess I forgot to take a picture of them. Since I am now their closest relative on Kim's side I guess I can take that liberty. Let's hear it for California.
Now for some East Coast love.

First stop, nephew city. CJ Conner and Renee, and then the whole gang except for Conner, he fell asleep on the way home.

Here are the happy couple and Lance with a couple of the boys.
Gosh, I have so many good pictures from this trip but we can finish it with Conner and I in front of the Botanical Gardens, Karl and the mighty dill pickle, one more of CJ and Conner, and Gavin in all his glory.

Ok, starting to have a little trouble with the pictures so maybe I'll split this into two posts.
Dear HackSaw,
It has recently come to my attention that you think i endorse the color pink. You are wrong...dead wrong. I, now as always, am a strict advocate of the only real color-DARK BLACK. If I can be of any further assistance in clearing up this matter please let me know. Thank You
-Dan "De Los Muertos" Nydegger
P.S. hacksawslaw is a wild ride of a blog keep them coming.
PPS. Have you ever thought about doing a joint venture with KFC-- hacksaw slaw? Just "food for thought."
Dan's comment is the best comment ever.
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