Saturday, February 28, 2009

Run Run Run

Ok, so Lance Renee and I are sorta training for a marathon. We are hoping to run the Utah Valley marathon in June, if my studies do not get in the way. Anyway, that is just some background for this post so you understand why I was out running.

So we are on a running schedule that builds up our mileage every week, today I was supposed to run nine miles. The most I had run up to this point was seven, so I was already a little worried, but I looked at my route on google maps and off I went. When I was about three miles into the run, I got a little confused. I thought I had gone the wrong way so I backtracked and tried another road, that WAS the wrong way so I returned to my original path, which was the right way, this little detour added about a half mile onto my run I was guessing, but instead of trying to shorten my run I decided to stick to the same route. The reason I did this was because last week I got confused about which street to run to and ended up only running about three and a half miles instead of five, so this week I wanted to make sure I ran the whole nine miles. Anyways, I was looking for a road called Fulton, where I would turn around and then start running back. I passed the road. The sign on it said 30th avenue, I guess they are the same road. I ended up running more than half of a mile before I saw a road that I knew was too far. So I started back and finished my run, it was pretty intense, and I knew that I had run over nine miles, but when I got back I checked it online. I had run 10.7 miles. I had no idea. One good thing about this though, if there was a movie (let's call it, Speed 4: Runner's Challenge) where a bomb was strapped onto a runner and it would blow up if they stopped running, I know that I could at least keep myself alive for two hours while a solution was found, so that's a relief. If you want to see my route, look here. Send me screenplays.


Conni said...

That is wonderful! At my tip top shape, I was only able to run just under 3 miles and I thought I was doing awesome. Way to show me up!!
Good luck on your marathon.

Brooke said...

i'm kinda training too, dumbie.

Nama said...

Wow, Hacksaw. I'm impressed, and so ashamed at how far I am behind you in the whole "running" arena...

Brooke said...

i'm literally counting the seconds. 589756123, 589756122...

lj said...

Tag...I know you aren't busy with law school or anything, so I'd like to see this done expeditiously.

Kim, Byron H & M said...

WOW. That is seriously amazing. Keep those guns covered when you're running through the Castro...

SkyBluePink said...

You are still the engine on the cool train, we were just going backward on the track.

-The Caboose.