Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blogging tip. Actually more of a plea.

Just so everyone knows, when you have your comments set on your blogs so it takes you to a page that is just that post and it adds them at the bottom it really stinks posting comments (this is also the blogger default for new blogs, newer is not necessarily better). For some reason the bugs haven't been worked out for that version, some times it just doesn't post my comments, and I know you don't want that. You should go to your settings (I think) and change it so you comment in a little pop-up window, it is so much easier and then you can stay on the blog and read other posts, so much better. Also, all the little word verification stuff is super lame, try it without and only put it on if you get a lot of spam comments, please! I have never had it on and only ever got like two spam comments and that was like a year ago. This might sound crabby but I am just trying to make the world a better place. If you have questions let me know and I will try to help you. Who's ready for Halloween!!!!!!


Jamie said...

You're bossing people again!

Tyler Pulsipher said...

I have complied with your wishes, it was the fourth thing I did this morning.

Kim, Byron H & M said...

You are funny. In a weird way.

We loved you camping with us, thanks for the best tin foil dinners EVER! and for next time - hot dogs with bacon. wow, was it good. can't wait to hang out again in two weeks!!

Justus said...

CliCk hERe 4 CHEAP ROLEXXX & PharmaCeuticals.

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Justus said...


Krystal said...

now that's funny! by the way hack- I'm a little nervous, the picture in this post shows you sans beard. just a friendly (for now) reminder beard season ends on October 31st.

Marian said...

With a name like Hacksaw, you are practically begging to have your blogged hacked.

p.s. I married Justus because I think he is funny, so you'll just have to suck it up admit that you need his jokes. thank you. and that is all.