As most of you know, in our family we have a habit of smiling with these funny open-mouthed smiles, which is great and we all think is really cool and funny. However, I do not believe that we would put it on the cover of a musical album, and a poorly sung one at that. This cover is so funny, and for all her acting talents Hillary Duff is not a singer. The one other thing I cannot figure out is what she is doing with that hand. Beckoning? Waving? Conjuring up some sort of magical beast? Her expression, instead of narrowing down the possibilities just makes it impossible for us to tell. What goes through a person's mind when they are deciding what picture to put on the album? I mean, do they hate her? The sad part is, my mouth will not even open that wide on a normal open mouthed smile, that is like pushing the limits. I know, I tried.

Who wouldn't be excited? She is sitting pretty, scoot piled high with loot, at the intersection of North Pole and Santa Claus Lane.
And as a designer, I feel qualified to discuss what goes through the mind of the person designing the album. They hate her.
i loved your comparison pic!
krystal says that the claw hand can be explained as her throwing the present in the air. I would say, also as a designer, that Nicole is right they do hate her. I must say I never knew that the north pole was such a thriving metropolis.
Why isn't Hillary Duff America's most important and famous celebrity? I mean, she's don't it all AND her sister was in Napoleon Dynamite. It's really a Duff Dynasty (DD for short).
you are so cool, i love you like crazy.
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