This guy? Quirky? No way!
So my friend
Amanda,(who also happens to be married to my friend and former roommate Matt, but I knew her before I knew Matt so we are friends as well) anywho, she tagged me in this thing where you have to list six of your quirks, so lets get some things off the old chest.
Quirk One- People talking to me like I'm dumb. Everyone has this one I bet, but seriously I don't talk to little kids like they are dumb (animals are a different story, but they don't understand Spanish so no harm done). There is really no reason to talk down to someone unless you are trying to make them feel bad. I don't get mad often, but this gets me steamed, and I will not take it unless it's at work, cause it's my job man. Cops, friends, septuagenarians, watch yourself because you'll get an earful. Mike can attest to that, so can my old friend Elder Ackroyd. So treat people with respect, civility, and if you can muster it up, kindness.
Quirk two- People trying to act like adults. Sorry middle and high schoolers, this is directed at you. You don't "act" like and adult you "be" one. Act however you want, but be who you are. I think I should be able to have fun and joke around and generally be a goof, I'm still an adult, I pay my bills and do my homework and ain't nobody lookin over my shoulder. Everybody respects the guys who can have fun with kids and still have adult conversations, live your life.
Quirk three- I am running out. Let's see. How about people that don't like the same music as you? I am guilty of making a gagging noise and face whenever someone mentions the Goo Goo Dolls or Dave Mathcrapper's Band but it bugs me so I probably shouldn't. I happen to know that '80's metal is not the most popular music right now, I am aware people, but I like facemelting solos so leave it alone, and I will try to refrain from making fun of Coldplay and Dashbaord, although Dashboard don't need anybody to make fun of him, his music does it all. Just Kidding, sorry.
Quirk four- I will try any type of food at least twice, but if I do not like it I will not finish it. I have gotten to the point where I will not eat the last bite if I don't want it, in the same vein, however, I will eat myself sick if I want. With food I reserve the right to do whatever I want, it's one of life's great pleasures, and I will eat it if I want and I will leave it if I don't. I spent two years choking down insane portions of food I sometimes did not like, I even ate avocados-the only food I can think of that I genuinely do not like. I earned my right to be picky.
Quirk five- It bugs me when I feel like I do something the right way and people don't do it that way and I know my way is better. I have a habit of thinking through almost everything I do. I can almost always tell you my reasoning for doing most of what I do. I feel like others don't think like that and it drives me nuts when they don't do it the best way. These things include driving on certain roads or in a certain way, cleaning (I think the cleaning is because I was a janitor and yes there is a better way and yes I know it), flipping channels, cooking, serving tables, talking to customers, et cetra.
Quirk six- I like poetry. I know it does not fit with the hard rock image I try to convey, but I like it. I also like art and fashion. Maybe it's because my family is very different and I have a lot of really cool opinionated people around me, but I like it. There is definitely a time and a place, but I will search it out all by myself, so I must like it. I like writing poetry too, I would like making art, but what I make is not art, so nuts. Anyway, my main message is be yourself, you only live once, so live the best you know how and with no regrets.
Now to facilitate the blog version of chain mail, I don't think your hair will fall out if you don't do it, but it might fall out if you do, cause mine is.
here are the rules:1. link the person who tagged you.
2. mention the rules on your blog.
3. tell about six quirks you have only 6!
4. tag six fellow bloggers to do the same.
5. leave a comment to let them know.
Who do I know that is quirky, oh yeah, there are fourteen of us. Maybe
Kendybar, Shaun, even though he has never posted on his
blog, anything to get
Lisa blogging again, and the indomitable
Ashley Nimer. I hope you all look at yourselves differently after this experience.