Friday, October 24, 2008

First Test in Law School

So, I took my first test today, my only midterm. Tracy was right, they are pretty tough. The studying was crazy, but it was nothing compared to the test itself. Imagine one of those old black and white videos where thousands of ladies are typing away, that was what my fingertips were doing. We had one hour to cram as much analyzed law and facts into three questions (that's better than a three hour final). I feel like I did OK, and that seems to be the general consensus in the class. To give you guys a better idea to how it was I'll post some before and after pictures.


Just kidding, I was way more stressed before the test. Cool beans, I took it and survived, now I just have to wait for my grade.


Tracy said...

It's nice to have that over with, you'll never have to take your first law school test again! Sounds like civ pro teachers are all the same. I can't believe you got three questions for a one-hour test. Is your teacher an evil genius too?

Ashley said...

I never noticed that you kind of look like Nick Nolte when you are stressed. Weird.

Anyway, I was curious what kind of initiative is happening in San Fran with the Proposition 8 stuff. Just curious.