Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Have you ever ridden a bus alone? I have.

I'm not talking without anyone you know, that happens all the time. What I'm talking about is last night I got on the bus about nine thirty or ten, coming home from FHE, and I was the only person riding the bus. Just me and the driver. I tried some jokes to break the ice, but no dice. It was kinda weird. I guess it was good though, because I would have looked foolish craning my neck around and standing up to read every street sign so I didn't miss my stop. Oh well, good times.


Ashley said...

Woah! That would be awkward. I'm in Fresno (I moved back mid-August) and just recently rode the bus for the first time. Very fun.

Unknown said...

I have ridden the bus alone! coming down from snowbird, me and the driver. yes, he was in the army for awhile.