Send your own ElfYourself eCards
Remember! Take Chances! Make Mistakes! -Miss Frizzle, The Magic Schoolbus
Friday, December 11, 2009
Look out World, I'm Comin' to Portyland
I am starting my Christmas vacation in Portyland this year, and I think this video will give everyone an idea of what that trip will entail. That's right, a Harrison tradition is back!
Robert Pine, SUPERSTAR!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas is right around the corner!
Tomorrow is my second test, and it is a doozy. Criminal Procedure, all of the stuff that talks about rights in the criminal justice system. You can all laugh and say that criminals shouldn't have any rights, but these rights are what sets this great country apart from police states that treat their citizens like second-classers (and in some cases like third or fourth or coach-classers). Everyone in America is a first class citizen, although the Hollywood crowd would have you believe that they are first class(+) citizens. Anywho, looks like I am letting the finals bitterness come through so on to the real reason for this post.
I thought as a little study break I would let everyone know that I am not letting Harrison traditions lapse - even though I am far from the family. This year I focused on the old tradition of opening a window in the advent calendar every day (or at least every day that I remember). From Trader Joe's no less! I am sure that you are all suitably jealous that I do not have to share, although the chocolate is not as sweet as when you had to watch you sibs eat theirs right in front of you while you can hardly wait for your turn to finally come around.
It is also pretty cold here, so as you can see I am getting ready for a Utah winter.

Anywho, I am looking forward to more Christmas traditions soon. One more week and three finals, that is what I call a party!
I thought as a little study break I would let everyone know that I am not letting Harrison traditions lapse - even though I am far from the family. This year I focused on the old tradition of opening a window in the advent calendar every day (or at least every day that I remember). From Trader Joe's no less! I am sure that you are all suitably jealous that I do not have to share, although the chocolate is not as sweet as when you had to watch you sibs eat theirs right in front of you while you can hardly wait for your turn to finally come around.
Anywho, I am looking forward to more Christmas traditions soon. One more week and three finals, that is what I call a party!
Monday, December 7, 2009
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas, are you?
Every once in a long while, I like to take a study break during finals. I find it clears my head and helps me study better. I also like to think that it entertains people.
Just a little ward musical number I put together. If you dream it . . .
Just a little ward musical number I put together. If you dream it . . .
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Christmas Time!
Just to remind everyone that Christmas (and finals) is in the air, I Christmas-afied my blog and posted some of my favorite holiday tunes to get you in the spirit!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Good Time for a Good Cause
Some of you might be familiar with my good friend Shaun Lowder. His sister is in need of a kidney transplant, and he has offered to be the donor, but they still need to raise some money for incidental costs that the insurance won't cover. In order to do that they are having a benefit concert in Salt Lake on December 11th. It promises to be a rockin' good time for the whole family. If you are going to be in the area, you can check out the details and other opportunities to help out at Shaun's blog. A good way to get in the giving spirit this year.
Monday, November 23, 2009
BYOB, Bring your own beard
The dream is over, at least for a couple of weeks until I grow it back, if I do. We'll see.
I think that this is a good time to explore a couple of options for the future. Let me know what you like and I'll see what I can do.
(1) This is an in-between look. It is one part beard, one part burns, one part handlebar and completely cool. I think it says, I don't care if you like it or not, your girlfriend sure seems too.

(2) This my friends is the classic look. Never goes out of style. Handlebar 'stache with a little soul.

(3) The old standby, I like to call it the "teenage boy". Yeah, I know, it makes me look a little younger. Let me tell you my theory though. I have already gotten some compliments on how I look without a beard, I would not have gotten those if I had not had a beard. So I grow a beard, people compliment me on it, I shave, I get more compliments. Drastic changes lead to compliments, you gotta keep em guessin. Let me know what you want to see next!
I think that this is a good time to explore a couple of options for the future. Let me know what you like and I'll see what I can do.
(1) This is an in-between look. It is one part beard, one part burns, one part handlebar and completely cool. I think it says, I don't care if you like it or not, your girlfriend sure seems too.
(2) This my friends is the classic look. Never goes out of style. Handlebar 'stache with a little soul.
(3) The old standby, I like to call it the "teenage boy". Yeah, I know, it makes me look a little younger. Let me tell you my theory though. I have already gotten some compliments on how I look without a beard, I would not have gotten those if I had not had a beard. So I grow a beard, people compliment me on it, I shave, I get more compliments. Drastic changes lead to compliments, you gotta keep em guessin. Let me know what you want to see next!
Friday, November 20, 2009
First of all, congrats to Marc and Tracy Nuttal, they are the proud parents of a beautiful little girl as of last night. As for me, this just makes me the favorite Uncle once again, and I am used to that, but very excited to have a new niece.
As most of you know, in our family we have a habit of smiling with these funny open-mouthed smiles, which is great and we all think is really cool and funny. However, I do not believe that we would put it on the cover of a musical album, and a poorly sung one at that. This cover is so funny, and for all her acting talents Hillary Duff is not a singer. The one other thing I cannot figure out is what she is doing with that hand. Beckoning? Waving? Conjuring up some sort of magical beast? Her expression, instead of narrowing down the possibilities just makes it impossible for us to tell. What goes through a person's mind when they are deciding what picture to put on the album? I mean, do they hate her? The sad part is, my mouth will not even open that wide on a normal open mouthed smile, that is like pushing the limits. I know, I tried.
The reason I saw this is because I have already started listening to music on Pandora, so that means pretty soon I will have my blog Christmas-safied for all your viewing pleasure. With that being said here is a picture to let you know how excited I am for Christmas!
As most of you know, in our family we have a habit of smiling with these funny open-mouthed smiles, which is great and we all think is really cool and funny. However, I do not believe that we would put it on the cover of a musical album, and a poorly sung one at that. This cover is so funny, and for all her acting talents Hillary Duff is not a singer. The one other thing I cannot figure out is what she is doing with that hand. Beckoning? Waving? Conjuring up some sort of magical beast? Her expression, instead of narrowing down the possibilities just makes it impossible for us to tell. What goes through a person's mind when they are deciding what picture to put on the album? I mean, do they hate her? The sad part is, my mouth will not even open that wide on a normal open mouthed smile, that is like pushing the limits. I know, I tried.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Not Wicked at all
Well Kaley, I hope you're happy with yourself. My roommate Steve and I (and Lucinda and Melissa) decided that the time to had come to take advantage of the fact that the musical Wicked was playing a block (not even kidding) from my school. We waited for the lottery, got four tickets for $25 dollars apiece, and the magic began. I am not gonna lie and say that I usually don't like musicals, because that would be a lie, I really like 'em, so I was expecting to like this one as well. I was not disappointed. I am not surprised at all at the run that this one has made, it really was great. The best part was Elphaba though. In our show the lady that played just had an incredible voice, just an great voice. One of the perks of living in San Francisco I guess, we get some pretty good talent. So if you haven't seen it, do, and if you have, you might want to think about seeing it again before it's gone. All I know is that after it I was just thinking, "I think I'll try defying gravity . . ."
I am whispering into Elphaba's other ear if you can't tell.
I am whispering into Elphaba's other ear if you can't tell.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Family Friends and Farewell
I promised a movie blog from my October weekend at home, and I will not disappoint. I made no promises about the quality, however, and I stand by that. With Trent getting his Eagle, Tracy having a baby shower, and Renee giving her farewell talk it was quite a weekend. I think this turned out all right, although my "hit and run" style of editing does me no favors. I do think the disco skating portion turned out rather well though, although when you work with Hall and Oates, you don't have to work quite so hard. Enjoy. And Renee, we'll miss ya sista.
p.s. Mad props to Kim for the video work, as well as the many pictures that I poached from her for this project.
p.s. Mad props to Kim for the video work, as well as the many pictures that I poached from her for this project.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I suppose most of you are getting sick of my Micheal Jackson posts, but like the title suggests, this will probably be my last one. I went and saw the movie yesterday with my friend Amy. I liked it. I am not sure that everyone will, and while it was good, I liked it almost more for how it made me think then for what it actually was.
The saddest part of the movie was that Micheal actually looked and sounded very good. He still had the moves, and that makes me even more sad that he passed on when he was not ailing. I hope we all learn our lesson about abusing any type of drug, whether prescription or not.
One thing that was apparent to me was that Micheal Jackson was the consummate performer. In the movie it was clear that the performance was what mattered, and it kept coming back to that. Just from last night it was apparent to me that he would not have performed if he felt that he could not do so at the level that he and his fans expected. Micheal was also surprisingly gracious, and while that could have been creative editing, he seemed to make suggestions in a gracious way, although it was always clear that he was in charge and it was his show.
The final thing that I noticed was that the people that he was working with had turned him into a false idol. They treated him like he was more than a man. I could not live in an environment of "yes" like it was portrayed on the show. I feel bad that they treated him that way. I think his accomplishments lose something when you treat him like he is better than everyone. He should be celebrated because he was just a man and still managed to do so much. Respect him because he is a man, and don't try to raise him to something more than that.
This movie did make me a little sad. It made me really wish that I had seen him live, it would have been quite a show, from the the foremost showman of our time. Rest in peace Micheal, in a place where you don't have to be any more than who you are.
The saddest part of the movie was that Micheal actually looked and sounded very good. He still had the moves, and that makes me even more sad that he passed on when he was not ailing. I hope we all learn our lesson about abusing any type of drug, whether prescription or not.
One thing that was apparent to me was that Micheal Jackson was the consummate performer. In the movie it was clear that the performance was what mattered, and it kept coming back to that. Just from last night it was apparent to me that he would not have performed if he felt that he could not do so at the level that he and his fans expected. Micheal was also surprisingly gracious, and while that could have been creative editing, he seemed to make suggestions in a gracious way, although it was always clear that he was in charge and it was his show.
The final thing that I noticed was that the people that he was working with had turned him into a false idol. They treated him like he was more than a man. I could not live in an environment of "yes" like it was portrayed on the show. I feel bad that they treated him that way. I think his accomplishments lose something when you treat him like he is better than everyone. He should be celebrated because he was just a man and still managed to do so much. Respect him because he is a man, and don't try to raise him to something more than that.
This movie did make me a little sad. It made me really wish that I had seen him live, it would have been quite a show, from the the foremost showman of our time. Rest in peace Micheal, in a place where you don't have to be any more than who you are.

Monday, October 26, 2009
"Laugh away the storm clouds, kiss way the rain" F. Sinatra
Before anyone gets mad at the content of this post, I just want you to know that I am working on a trip video blog, and I will have that out as quick as possible, here is a little preview:
Now, I know that some of just had a great weekend at home celebrating Trent's Eagle, Tracy's baby shower, and Renee's farewell get together. There is bound to be some separation anxiety. I have a great solution. Usually I would just go with drink your favorite soda and listen to Hall and Oates' "You Make My Dreams (Come True)", however, in becoming with one of the great music breakthroughs that I introduced the family to over the weekend (and to all of you who want to feel like you were there), I give you Auto Tune the News.
Note: These people use the auto tune technology -that is usually reserved for crappy singers to sell albums- to make all your favorite politicians and anchors sound like Billboard artists. I think that this is the best one, but there are more!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
We live in Cali, We are Famlee
If you show it, they will come.
I like to post pictures of people that visit me so people understand what a good time I will show them if they come to St. Francis. I figure eventually the word will get out and people will flood into one of the great cities of our country, just saying.

This is my friend Chad Riding, we were roommates at BYU, and it was good to see him after a couple of years. Hoped you like the bay buddy, have a good time in Sac Town.

This is my friend Chad Riding, we were roommates at BYU, and it was good to see him after a couple of years. Hoped you like the bay buddy, have a good time in Sac Town.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hair Share
Now, I have been growing a beard for the 'ol annual beard season and things are going swimmingly. However, when I have the ability to shave it gives me something to change from time to time. A couple of weeks ago I got this strange urge to cut my hair, it's like I couldn't forget about it. So I just cut it, the shortest I have in a long time, and I like. It. Plus the beard is the best it has ever been, compliment city up in here, or at least a small compliment Mexican Pueblo like Santo Poco in the Three Amigos. "Sew very old one, sew like the wind!"

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Blogging tip. Actually more of a plea.
Just so everyone knows, when you have your comments set on your blogs so it takes you to a page that is just that post and it adds them at the bottom it really stinks posting comments (this is also the blogger default for new blogs, newer is not necessarily better). For some reason the bugs haven't been worked out for that version, some times it just doesn't post my comments, and I know you don't want that. You should go to your settings (I think) and change it so you comment in a little pop-up window, it is so much easier and then you can stay on the blog and read other posts, so much better. Also, all the little word verification stuff is super lame, try it without and only put it on if you get a lot of spam comments, please! I have never had it on and only ever got like two spam comments and that was like a year ago. This might sound crabby but I am just trying to make the world a better place. If you have questions let me know and I will try to help you. Who's ready for Halloween!!!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009
This Beard was made for camping,
I had the opportunity to go camping with the old ward last weekend, it was sweet. One of my new ward friends is convinced that I am a woodsman. I, however, and not convinced that he is wrong. Anywho, here are some pics of new friends and old, as well as a sneak peak at how beard season is coming along. Oh Joy!
I think the above picture captures my theme for the camp out, Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA", 'cause I'm noddin' my head like yeah. Below is a fun night hike, I don't think everyone understood my "Rage" idea for the picture, give 'em time, they'll learn. I hope.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Let's Call it "Clean Dancing", because I'm sure he danced to Heaven
Two dancing icons in one year, to quote Wham!, "I don't ever want to dance again, guilty feet ain't got no rhythm." My heart beats with a leaden slowness, Patrick Swayze is dead. While I won't tarnish his memory by claiming that I was as big a fan of his as I was of Micheal Jackson, at one time or another I think we were all a little "Crazy for Swayze." He married his wife in 1975, and they were married for 34 years. That alone tells you he was different from the run of the mill Hollywood crew. Patrick was classically trained in ballet, and his dancing skills, combined with his devil may care good looks opened the door to his acting career and our hearts. While he will always be remembered for Red Dawn, Dirty Dancing, and Ghost, let's not forget his other hits like The Outsiders and Roadhouse. Patrick, you were a dancing man among men. To commemorate his life, I think this picture of when I went as Patrick Swayze for Halloween in 2006 will do the trick. With that being said, I hope we can all take a moment of silence and remember his prophetic words, "Nobody puts baby in the corner."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I Hate Fascism, Despise Communism, but I guess I can live with Tourism
"I'll call you Saint, . . . Saint Francis." "Te llamo San, . . . San Francisco."
Quick note, does anyone remember CandyLand? We played that game so much it literally wore out. That one and Go For It! were some of the best games ever. The racing card game was good too, can anyone remember the name of that one? It was like a French game that had both French and English on the card if I recall. It's on the tip of my tongue. Melbourne maybe?
The real reason for this post is because I have homework that I should do, but I already did my homework that I need to do. The best way to get over that is blogging, here's to hoping this helps anyway.
I just wanted to post a little about what I've been up to the last few weekends. My second year here at Hastings is starting out pretty good. September is the best month to be in Law School. Even in San Francisco the weather is good, you can do outdoor stuff on the weekends, and while I may be putting in 60 or so hours a week at school, I am still free on the weekends (the break was good but I'm here til 9 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week). Anywho, my classes will be pretty manageable, at least until finals because I'll have four finals within two weeks, but on a better note, my negotiation and settlement class is really interesting and my professor really knows what he was doing. He's definitely got his settlement chops too. He was one of the (maybe THE) lead negotiating attorneys for the Delta-Northwest merger, yeah, he's got some good stories.
So school is good, and so was my birthday, I am now 27, and feelin' fine. I got some pots and pans and a Klean Kanteen from Kimmercakes and Byronius, so my eating and drinking situation has vastly improved.
In other news, BYU won the biggest game of my life that I remember (technically I was alive when they won the National Championship in 1984, but I don't remember it so whatev, at least we have one). I was camping the weekend it happened and I was stressing the whole weekend, shouting down all the hatas that told me BYU just got creamed so forget about it. I remember who you all are, and I am personally telling Bronco what you said, that'll learn ya to talk bad 'bout my 'cougs. When I found out I ran screaming out of a gas station to tell the girl (also a BYU grad) who was filling the car. In the process I scared an old lady who was between me and my friend (I explained to her about the game, she didn't care) and probably prompted the cashiers to think I had stolen something (I told them about the game too, they acted like they cared for like a second). All in all an awesome weekend, I have been scouring the Internet to read anything about the Cougars. My love of winning cannot even compare to my hatred of losing.
Besides those happenings we had a Young Single Adult camp-out last weekend. I made a lot of friends on the volleyball court by introducing them to my "Slamma-Jamma" style of play. This involves yelling "SLAMMA-JAMMA" and then proceeding to windmill both by arms through the air like I am spiking volleyballs with both hands. It also involves me saying things on and off the court to my Slamma-Jamma teammates like, Slamma-Jamma is compassion, Slamma-Jamma is teamwork, Slamma-Jamma is Chocolate Jello Pudding, etc. It's more than a team name, it's a life philosophy. As you all probably know, I like to trash-talk quite a bit. Some of the gems from the weekend. "I can smell BLOOD IN THE WATER!", "If you think I'm a poor winner, you should see me lose." "If you can hit this serve you can name it" etc. My roommate Steve, his friend Myrella, and I also went out to Golden Gate and took some pictures. Enjoy.

That bright line in the center is Market street, the part where it is less bright where it meets the city, that is about where my school is. Awesome, I know. Pretty ghetto too though, right in the heart of the Tenderloin, woot!
There is hope, make the call. If you're cute, I'll personally talk you off the ledge. Trust me, I'm in a negotiation class.

I live here, try not to hate me. Please.
I slept on a rock overlooking this lake, it was a good camping trip.
Some of the Slamma-Jamma crew. Slamma-Jamma is photogenic.
Thanks for the gifts. I can't believe I am so adult-like and responsible.
This is a picture that I took from my house, you can see the fog rolling in, awesome.
The real reason for this post is because I have homework that I should do, but I already did my homework that I need to do. The best way to get over that is blogging, here's to hoping this helps anyway.
I just wanted to post a little about what I've been up to the last few weekends. My second year here at Hastings is starting out pretty good. September is the best month to be in Law School. Even in San Francisco the weather is good, you can do outdoor stuff on the weekends, and while I may be putting in 60 or so hours a week at school, I am still free on the weekends (the break was good but I'm here til 9 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week). Anywho, my classes will be pretty manageable, at least until finals because I'll have four finals within two weeks, but on a better note, my negotiation and settlement class is really interesting and my professor really knows what he was doing. He's definitely got his settlement chops too. He was one of the (maybe THE) lead negotiating attorneys for the Delta-Northwest merger, yeah, he's got some good stories.
So school is good, and so was my birthday, I am now 27, and feelin' fine. I got some pots and pans and a Klean Kanteen from Kimmercakes and Byronius, so my eating and drinking situation has vastly improved.
In other news, BYU won the biggest game of my life that I remember (technically I was alive when they won the National Championship in 1984, but I don't remember it so whatev, at least we have one). I was camping the weekend it happened and I was stressing the whole weekend, shouting down all the hatas that told me BYU just got creamed so forget about it. I remember who you all are, and I am personally telling Bronco what you said, that'll learn ya to talk bad 'bout my 'cougs. When I found out I ran screaming out of a gas station to tell the girl (also a BYU grad) who was filling the car. In the process I scared an old lady who was between me and my friend (I explained to her about the game, she didn't care) and probably prompted the cashiers to think I had stolen something (I told them about the game too, they acted like they cared for like a second). All in all an awesome weekend, I have been scouring the Internet to read anything about the Cougars. My love of winning cannot even compare to my hatred of losing.
Besides those happenings we had a Young Single Adult camp-out last weekend. I made a lot of friends on the volleyball court by introducing them to my "Slamma-Jamma" style of play. This involves yelling "SLAMMA-JAMMA" and then proceeding to windmill both by arms through the air like I am spiking volleyballs with both hands. It also involves me saying things on and off the court to my Slamma-Jamma teammates like, Slamma-Jamma is compassion, Slamma-Jamma is teamwork, Slamma-Jamma is Chocolate Jello Pudding, etc. It's more than a team name, it's a life philosophy. As you all probably know, I like to trash-talk quite a bit. Some of the gems from the weekend. "I can smell BLOOD IN THE WATER!", "If you think I'm a poor winner, you should see me lose." "If you can hit this serve you can name it" etc. My roommate Steve, his friend Myrella, and I also went out to Golden Gate and took some pictures. Enjoy.
That bright line in the center is Market street, the part where it is less bright where it meets the city, that is about where my school is. Awesome, I know. Pretty ghetto too though, right in the heart of the Tenderloin, woot!
There is hope, make the call. If you're cute, I'll personally talk you off the ledge. Trust me, I'm in a negotiation class.
I live here, try not to hate me. Please.
I slept on a rock overlooking this lake, it was a good camping trip.
Some of the Slamma-Jamma crew. Slamma-Jamma is photogenic.
Thanks for the gifts. I can't believe I am so adult-like and responsible.
This is a picture that I took from my house, you can see the fog rolling in, awesome.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Adventures are Over, Except for the Adventures in Law that is.
So this was a pretty good summer, and I think that it is shaping up to be a pretty good year. Yes, I am back in school for my 2L year, and while it is a little scary still and I know that it will be hard, I am actually excited for the year. But before I go discussing the fall, let's wrap up the summer. Actually, I just had the idea that I am going to try to explain what I did this summer in rhyme, or at least see how far I can go this time (it's already started, yay!).
(Unrhyming side note on the glasses below. Not only are they totally awesome looking, but I got them for cheap at Savers. The real kicker, though, is that they are my prescription. I believe the correct term for what I lead is, "A Charmed Life". Yes, I do believe it is.)

I took a trip up the coast,
In my car with the most,
You might call me a liar
But I got stranded in Ukiah.
My car broke down,
but I did not frown,
I just rode my bike around town,
(and payed $400 down)
Now it's fixed and runnin' fine,
and I drove through some pine (trees)
continued up the coast,
till I arrived at a host (of friends and family).

Portland was the first stop,
Saw sisters, nieces, nephews, and at least one cop.
Then to the ocean,
The Williams' had rented a cabin, I ain't jokin'.

It was quite a blast,
we drove the boat fast,
and emptied the bay
of every single crab that day.

We spent time on the beach,
We spent time in the sun,
There wasn't a lot of heat,
But we sure had fun!

To Portland I will surely come back
for family pictures at which I will laugh.
But time is short, and I must fly.
Besides, SF has more than enough fog for this guy!
Finally to Utah I quickly came,
to try and recapture my Disco Skating fame,
Alas, Renee had taken the crown and beaten me out,
But I manged to capture a pregnant Tracy pout.
Now I am back and the books call my name,
Remedies, Wills, Crim Pro it's all the same.
but as fun as the summer was I felt adrift,
back at home at Hastings is where I fit.

However, when the weather turns cold, and the snowflakes fly,
Back to Utah for Christmas and 'boarding will surely go I.
(Unrhyming side note on the glasses below. Not only are they totally awesome looking, but I got them for cheap at Savers. The real kicker, though, is that they are my prescription. I believe the correct term for what I lead is, "A Charmed Life". Yes, I do believe it is.)
I took a trip up the coast,
In my car with the most,
You might call me a liar
But I got stranded in Ukiah.
My car broke down,
but I did not frown,
I just rode my bike around town,
(and payed $400 down)
Now it's fixed and runnin' fine,
and I drove through some pine (trees)
continued up the coast,
till I arrived at a host (of friends and family).
Portland was the first stop,
Saw sisters, nieces, nephews, and at least one cop.
Then to the ocean,
The Williams' had rented a cabin, I ain't jokin'.
It was quite a blast,
we drove the boat fast,
and emptied the bay
of every single crab that day.
We spent time on the beach,
We spent time in the sun,
There wasn't a lot of heat,
But we sure had fun!
for family pictures at which I will laugh.
But time is short, and I must fly.
Besides, SF has more than enough fog for this guy!
to try and recapture my Disco Skating fame,
Alas, Renee had taken the crown and beaten me out,
But I manged to capture a pregnant Tracy pout.
Remedies, Wills, Crim Pro it's all the same.
but as fun as the summer was I felt adrift,
back at home at Hastings is where I fit.
However, when the weather turns cold, and the snowflakes fly,
Back to Utah for Christmas and 'boarding will surely go I.
Disco Skating,
prescription sunglasses
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